The Sugar Group Companies has a number of plantations and sugar refineries all over Indonesia. Their company CEO, Gunawan Jusuf, is keenly aware of his company’s dependence on water, or liquid gold, for its operations. That is the primary reason Gunawan Jusuf decided to publish a book, entitled “Blue Gold,” in early 2016, in which he discussed very frankly the issues surrounding the importance and the relative scarcity of water. The book makes the point that the conservation of natural resources is enormously important, especially one as ultimately crucial as water, whether for human life or for business survival.
Over the years, Gunawan Jusuf has guided the Sugar Group Companies to produce enormous growth for many products, including Gulaku, which is a premium, commercial, refined sugar product that is among the most iconic brands throughout Indonesia. Sugar Group Companies is not one business, it’s a collective of businesses that operate independently, even as they work as a crucial part of the larger group. Getting all of these individual entities to work together as a unit may be Gunawan Jusuf’s greatest accomplishment in business.